Grocery Store Dots ( Card Game 4 You )

This is a seven-card stud game. "Dots" are the pips in the centre column of each card: aces, fives, sevens and nines have one dot; twos, eights and tens have 2 dots, threes have three dots and fours, sixes and picture cards have no dots. The pot is split between the highest five-card hand and the player whose seven cards have most dots.

After everyone has placed their ante, the dealer deals two hole cards and one upcard to each player as in seven-card stud, and the first betting round takes place.

The dealer then sets out the "grocery store" consisting of a row of three face up cards on the table, and marks the leftmost card by placing a chip or other marker on it. This card costs 1 unit, the card next to it 2 units and the third card 3 units. From now on, a player who is about to be dealt a card from the deck has the option to buy a card from the grocery store instead, placing the appropriate price in chips in the pot. A player who chooses not to buy is dealt a card from the deck as normal.

If a card is bought, the store is restocked from the deck immediately before the next purchase decision. That means that if the dealer buys a card, the store is not restocked until after the betting round that follows.

When everyone has four upcards the remaining store stock is discarded, After the betting round, a final card is dealt to each player face down, and there is a final betting round followed by a showdown in which the high hand and the player with most dots split the pot.


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